The inherently sterile salt water is filtered continuously when not in use through a UV and ozone purification system. After each float session the pod will perform 3 full filter cycles ensuring every single drop of water is clean. It’s probably the purest water you will be in all day!
I bet you couldn’t even if you tried! Floating is effortless in the highly salinated water so let it do all the work for you.
Floating provides such a unique environment that takes away all the stressors that you don’t even realize affect your physical being for example gravity is one. Your body uses this time of respite to its fullest. Your muscles and joints enter a deep relaxation and allow increased blood circulation which provides vital nutrients to speed up recovery from injuries and chronic pain.
With all external stimuli removed from your environment, your brain is able to recuperate just as much as your body. Floating is an amazing tool for stress management and anxiety. The psychological benefits of being calm and finding inner peace is profound.
Lactic acid can really affect your performance and floating in a huge pod full of epsom salt will do wonders for your recovery.
Sleep is such an important factor in determining a person’s happiness. If you have trouble sleeping think of floating as a tool to help naturally calm your mind. Floating can increase dopamine production which helps with mental relaxation, and being unable to look at your phone, watch tv, or anything else that would distract you during the night is a huge plus!
You know that feeling when you think you are sleeping, but you are still conscious? Well that feeling is hypnagogia, when Alpha waves and Theta waves mix in your brain. It allows heightened state of creativity and euphoria.
You will be in complete control of your environment. You can leave the lid open, turn on all the lights, and listen to music. We also have two open pools that are super spacious. Whatever makes you comfortable is fine with us. If you experience anything uncomfortable during the float, there is a two-way intercom to talk to us.
Floating while pregnant is probably one of the best things that you can do! Not only should you experience relief while floating weightlessly, many clients are able to connect with their baby in a very unique and memorable way.
Several clients will fall asleep while floating. It is highly unlikely that you will accidentally flip over, and even if you do then the salt will immediately cause a burning sensation in your eyes and nose so you should wake up.
That’s a big nope. The epsom salt actually stops your skin from wrinkling. It’s amazing how your skin feels so smooth and clean after your float.
Believe it or not the epsom salt will actually make your skin feel way better if you have a sunburn.
Salt will irritate your eyes if you happen to get it in your eyes, but we provide a spray bottle with clean water and a dry towelette to rinse your eyes clean. Then you can get back to enjoying your float! You usually only make that mistake once!
I know you hear stories of soaring through the rings of Saturn on a galactic unicorn, but this isn’t the same for everyone. Try not to come in with expectations because everyone receives a different floating experience. You may even surprise yourself!